Week 6

Scriptures for the Week:
Mark 14: 1-15 and Mark 15:1-39

Daily Prayer Focuses:
Lent is a time of inward reflection and repentance, but it is also a time to think and pray for others. So this week we are reflecting, focusing, and praying about our city: Spokane, WA.

Monday, March 30th – For Those We Don’t Notice
It’s easy to drive by broken down homes or ignore the homeless person on the corner. So this week try to notice and pray for the broken, the homeless, and the marginalized in our city.
Here are some people you can help or pray for who are already helping the marginalized in our city:

Tuesday, March 31st – For Those Who Protect Us
Take some time today to pray for those in the police and fire departments. It’s not easy doing what they do and they and their families need our prayers.

Wednesday, April 1st – For Those Who Tend To Our Bodies
Doctors, Dentists, Nurses, Ambulances Drivers, EMTs, and all those other people who work in some sort of medical field need prayer just as much as police officers and fire fighters. And their jobs can be extremely demanding and time consuming so pray for their health and their families today.

Thursday, April 2nd – For Those Who Work for the City
Sometimes the people at City Hall or who work in other civil service jobs get the short end of the stick. Some of us may pray for the mayor, but we probably never think to pray for accounts, clerks, engineers, garbage men, or postal workers. So take some time to pray for all of those who work for our city.

Friday, April 3rd – For Those Who Are Losing Their Jobs
We all know the economy isn’t so hot right now and some in our city are more affected by that than others. So take sometime today to thank God for what you do have and pray for those who are losing or have lost their jobs.

Saturday, April 4th – For The City’s Health
We live in Spokane. But if we don’t take care our environment we may not want to live here anymore. So take some time to think and pray about what you can do to help Spokane’s environment.

Sunday, April 5th – For Those Who Are New To Our City
One of the main messages on this site is: “Spokane Welcomes You.” So the city is welcoming… but are you? Think about that, pray for help if you need it, or repent if you need to.